Thursday, June 13, 2013

As I Lay Waiting

It is in times like these when you realize you seriously need to take up a new hobby.
What do I decide to do while I wait for my beloved series to be back on air? Yes you guessed it, I eat my way to blocked artery town! And the fact that Ladurée opened its new bakery here in Beirut paved the way.

This is how it all went down. I'd had a very long tedious day at work that night. I'd decided to be smart with my money; so I pitter-patter to the wonderful Ladurée because heaven. (If you're wondering where the money-saving lay, I point out that I walked there).
I enter the shop as life enters spring and as maidens dance with flowers in their hair. You had to be there; it was a very magical moment.
And I tell you, my eyes were feasting! I got to give it to Ladurée for maintaining that level of perfection when it comes to the colors and appearance of its delicacies.
This is the saucy bit, I choose the delightful strawberry one which tasted like you've just unlocked the secrets of the world. I felt powerful.

A few days later, I tried their eclair. Fairies danced in my mouth. It was a trip for the senses!

I hear Suits will be back on July 16th.

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