Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reign Over My Heart

Great I've gone and done it again! I've fallen into the trap of yet another series, I have been sucked in and honestly I don't see an escape any time soon. And I don't want it! I don't need saving I'm glad to be trapped I'm glad that I have yet another set of characters to fantasize and rant about and fall in love with. What is this show that has gotten me so hyped up, that my friends is the weird yet oddly beautiful "Reign", a series depicting the life of "Mary Queen of Scots" from the very beginning when she was only 15 years old, and was in those good Ol' days at a suitable age to marry, Of course because she's a Queen and almost every marriage during those times was political and arranged ever since those poor little royals were 6!
Anyways, lets not get to carried away talking about political correctness and what's right and wrong here. Because although the situation was just wrong, how they're acting it out and have managed to turn the story into something more modern and appealing to most of the young people these days is definitely Right! I'am a huge fan of period dramas, of any era really. I simply love their stories, their characters, their dialogue, their freaking costumes! I love the whole thing. At first, I was reluctant to watch this show because I had read a couple of things about it that didn't make it seem so interesting to me personally. Alas! this just shows that you shouldn't judge anything based on other peoples opinions, only your own. So because of the lovely addiction that is Tumblr, I saw a Gif from one of the episodes and I became intrigued (ahh Tumblr always bringing me closer to fictional characters) So two days ago I started watching, so far there are only 7 episodes out and yes I have finished watching them ALL! And now I'm going through the waiting and anticipating symptoms that most of the fan base are going through. it's not good, it's not healthy and I Luuuuuuuve it!
You know at first I found it peculiar to be watching a period drama with modern music playing in the background. However, that doesn't mean it didn't grow on me, mainly because the music is the genre that I like, and I'm a huge fan of  weird and peculiar. The theme song is performed by "The Lumineers", most of the music featured on the show is off their album, and in an odd way it's very fitting.
The plot is quite simple, boy and girl are arranged to be married for security of countries, boy doesn't really love girl at first, girl is of course in love with boy, then slowly boy begins to realize this girl is kinda awesome and falls for her. You've also got your other elements which add to the thickness of the plot, Strong authoritative father, vicious over-protective mother, group of friends to help you make decisions (even if they're clueless, most of the time!) and the always tolerable bastard brother (I'm not cursing him he's literally the King's bastard, and he's also one of my favorite characters, with those piercing laser eyes!)
And there you have it, don't be too quick to judge this show from the outside images you see, like I did, for real, when I first saw the poster for this series I was like "Hmmm the leads don't look so appealing to me, I don't think I'd like them.' LOOL funny me thinking I could ever evade such an awesome show, even though my first opinion of it was quite pessimistic. I practically raced through the first seven episodes and now I can't wait for more! I absolutely Love all the lead characters. I guess that's what happens when the actors are brilliant, giving their all to make their character realistic and lovable in every aspect, even if they're portraying someone meant to be the source of all evil. That's just good acting for ya!
So if you're interested in modernized versions of period dramas then this is the show for you. It's too early to tell how far into Mary's story we're gonna see. so far we're getting a cute version of it, with absolutely beautiful outfits, beautiful music, beautiful people, and a mix of stolen glances and adorable moments between our two young lovers. I don't mind honestly, yes maybe most of the way things are being depicted is a little incorrect, and wouldn't have happened like this during those medieval times, but let's be honest this way is more fun, more exciting and fascinating for us delicate Hearted people who just love and crave these stories of innocence and love and hardships, and we'll take it any way you want to give it to us!

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